GatewayD is a CLI application that runs on Windows, Linux-based distributions and macOS. The application has many subcommands that are explained below:
Subcommand | Description | Flags/Example |
completion | generates the autocompletion script for the specified shell | - bash - fish - powershell - zsh |
config | manages GatewayD global configuration | Â |
config init | generates a global configuration file | - -c , --config global config file (default “gatewayd.yaml”)- -f , --force : overwrites the existing config file- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
config lint | validates global configuration file | - -c , --config global config file (default “gatewayd.yaml”) - --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
help | shows help about any subcommand | The -h or --help flag can be used to get more information about a specific subcommand. |
plugin | manages GatewayD plugins and their configurations | Â |
plugin init | generates a plugins configuration file | - -p , --plugin-config : plugins config file (default “gatewayd_plugins.yaml”)- -f , --force : overwrites the existing config file- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
plugin install | installs one or more plugins from: - CLI arguments (GitHub URL or a locally downloaded archive file) - the plugins configuration file | - -p , --plugin-config : plugins config file (default “gatewayd_plugins.yaml”)- -o , --output-dir : output directory of the plugin, where the plugin is extracted (default “./plugins”)- -n , --name : Name of the plugin (only for installing from archive files)- --pull-only : only pull the plugin, don’t install it- --cleanup : Clean up the downloaded and extracted files after installing the plugin (except the plugin binary) (default true )- --update : Update the plugin if it already exists (default false )- --backup : Backup the plugins configuration file before installing the plugin (default false )- --overwrite-config : Overwrite the existing plugins configuration file (overrides --update , only used for installing from the plugins configuration file)- --no-prompt : Do not prompt for user input (default true )- --skip-path-slip-verification : Skip the path slip verification (default false ). Use it only if you’re using an absolute path for --output-dir in an isolated environment like Docker and you trust the source of the plugin- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
plugin lint | validates plugins configuration file | - -p , --plugin-config : plugins config file (default “gatewayd_plugins.yaml”)- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
plugin list | lists all installed plugins | - -p , --plugin-config : plugins config file (default “gatewayd_plugins.yaml”)- -e , --only-enabled : Only list enabled plugins- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true ) |
plugin scaffold | generates a plugin scaffold for plugin development and stores the files into a directory | - -i , --input-file : plugin scaffold input file (default “input.yaml”)- -o , --output-dir : utput directory for the scaffold (default “./plugins”) |
run | runs an instance of gatewayd with the specified configuration files | - -c , --config : global config file (default "gatewayd.yaml" )- -p , --plugin-config : plugin config file (default "gatewayd_plugins.yaml" )- --tracing : Enable tracing with OpenTelemetry via gRPC- --collector-url string : Collector URL of OpenTelemetry gRPC endpoint (default "localhost:4317" )- --sentry : Enable Sentry for error reporting (default true )- --lint : Enable linting of configuration files (default true )- --dev : Enable development mode for plugin development- --usage-report : Enable usage report (default true ) |
version | shows version information | GatewayD v0.6.0 (2023-03-12T22:22:55+0000/ae469dc, go1.20.1, linux/amd64) |
Please visit the telemetry and usage report page for more information on which pieces of data are collected by the service.